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Accountable Schedules

To get the greatest benefit from this practicum, make sure you have read related training on the site. Click below to read about Christ-Like Character:
Accountable to Use Time Wisely
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As a leader you want to see people in your church maintaining schedules that are honoring to the Lord which will be reflected in what they watch on TV, listen to, what they do on Internet, how they spend their leisure, etc. You want them to live holy lives (Rom. 12:1), accountable and fully devoted to God.

As a leader you want to see people using their time wisely, prioritizing love for God and people. You want them to have disciplemaking schedules, serving the Lord both in and outside of the walls of the church.

As a leader you should also want them to make sure to etch out time for nurturing their relationship with the Lord. You want them to have sustainable schedules so they do not get discouraged in doing good or burnout.

You want even their schedules, how they spend their time, to reflect God’s heart for the Church to be Christ-like. You want them to make the most of the opportunities God gives them.

But, can church leaders keep members accountable for how they spend their time?

A heavy-handed approach will tend to come across as too controlling, even legalistic. Yet, a hands-off approach will not be helpful, nor the loving thing to do. The biblical approach of a Christ-like leader would be a hands-toward-God approach.

The Steering the Church Toward Christ-like Character Leadership Guide gives some examples of what a hands-toward-God approach might include in helping people be accountable in their time management. It also provides some thoughts about leaders’ need to also be accountable for how they use their time.

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