Job Descriptions as Tools of the Holy Spirit?

We need to yield to and rely on the Holy Spirit if we’re going to use tools like job descriptions in ways that get us beyond mere secular business practices. The Spirit provides the power that enables us to line up all we do with the basics of life in Christ for it is His role to direct our steps toward our Lord Jesus (Jn. 15:26). For job descriptions to accomplish an eternal purpose, we need the Holy Spirit. . . . Continue reading Job Descriptions as Tools of the Holy Spirit?

Keep the Focus on His Name

By definition, job, or ministry, descriptions explain the tasks or duties of a position of responsibility for which someone has been or will be recruited or hired. It describes what they do. God’s Word makes it clear that “whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus . . . Continue reading Keep the Focus on His Name

Prayer Critical in Use of Job Descriptions?

We’ve previously stressed how job descriptions should reflect the need for people to do what they do out of God’s power, not through their own strength and abilities. While carefully constructing the wording helps, we need to actually be pulling on that power throughout the whole process of using ministry descriptions — in writing them to the different ways we use them. The need for prayer cannot be overemphasized, even in the use of job descriptions, not only as a means of . . . Continue reading Prayer Critical in Use of Job Descriptions?

Be an Example in Using Job Descriptions

As a leader, you might supervise other leaders. As such, you would be the one to implement the use of job or ministry descriptions with those leaders. They in turn will use job descriptions with people in their sphere of influence. Consequently, the way you use job descriptions will potentially impact how the other leaders use them as they observe and experience your example. It’s the . . . Continue reading Be an Example in Using Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions with Servanthood as a Goal

With servanthood as a goal, job descriptions must be developed and used in such a way that they take people beyond some of the issues that can so easily beset us in our ministries. Control, competition, conceit, chaos, comparisons, and complaining have no place in God’s service. . . . Continue reading Job Descriptions with Servanthood as a Goal