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Church Finances & Christlikeness

To get the greatest benefit from this practicum, make sure you have read related training on the site. Click below to read about Christ-Like Character:

We’ve established that the church budget should . . .

… reflect God’s purposes for the Church,
… getting the Body involved in the process,
… with an eye on fulfilling the Great Commission.

Once the budget is completed and approved, we move into the next stage of functioning within that budget. This part becomes even more challenging. What do we do if giving is down and we don’t have the income to match expenses? What do we do with giving that goes beyond the budget? What do we do if we have unexpected needs not covered in the budget?

We gain little if we establish a budget based on the above mentioned realities but forget all of it in the application of the church budget. We need to continue to move through the fiscal year with the same ministry mind-set. We need God’s heart for the church.

Steer the Church Toward Christ-like Character Even in Church Finances

The Steering the Church Toward Christ-like Character Leadership Guide contains this content plus lists a few options about what churches might do if giving is over budget or if it is down or you have unexpected expenses with a question to ponder about each option. This resource contains additional content about the practical outworking of Christ-like character in budgeting and church finances, along with a look at 22 other leadership tasks or responsibilities.

Christlikeness Needed in Dealing with Church Finances

Whatever you do, remember that the process matters. No matter what the issue is, make sure you do the following:

  1. Seek after God in prayer about what would be the best course based on His purpose for your church.
  1. Bring others into the process.
  1. Handle it with transparency and integrity.
  1. Communicate with the Body about what is being done.

The principle in Romans 14:16 could apply —

Do not let what you know is good be spoken of as evil.

All Posts about Budgeting and Finances:


4 Replies to “Church Finances & Christlikeness”

  1. Thanks for all the teachings I read from your resources. I am being mentored to take care of the kingdom finances and assets.

  2. hi
    this is great stuff thank you so much for enlightening us on church finances.
    would you care to share on different fundraising ideas

    • I am so glad to read that you are benefiting from the material on the site, Daniel. More material is yet to come so I hope you keep coming back, or subscribe to receive notice if you haven’t already. As to fundraising in the Church: — Our goals should be . . . This part of the reply has now been made into a post at: Finances in the Church: Goals
      … With that said, there certainly are times we might need people to go over and beyond their normal giving. There are a number of ways for churches to try to raise funds such as . . . This part of the reply has been made into a post at: Finances in the Church: Fundraising (includes a list of fundraising efforts churches have used and some questions to ask when it comes to fundraising in the church)

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