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Power to Navigate Change Well


We humans tend to want to do things our own way, following our agenda. We tend to want what is comfortable and convenient for us. We tend to fear the unknown. We tend to react poorly when we feel threatened by change. We tend to get offended when other people resist changes we are trying to make. Consequently, we don’t always do change well. We need help to navigate it well.

The Power Needed to Navigate Change Well

We need God’s power to rise above our natural tendencies so we both act and react with the Christ-like thinking, attitudes, and actions needed to navigate change well. Just as we should not rely on our own understanding when making decisions on the kind of change needed (Prov. 3:5-6), neither should we rely on our own power to affect the change and to navigate change well.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)

Steering the Church Toward God's Power to Navigate Change WellThe Steering the Church Toward God’s Power Leadership Guide suggests three things God’s power gives us that helps us rise above our natural tendencies and do change well. It also points to an example from the Bible of what happens when we don’t rely on God’s power to navigate change.

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