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Christ-like Communication Imperative


Christ-Like Communication ImperativeJesus provides us with an example of how to communicate. Check out these posts about some of the specific aspects in the way Jesus communicated:


To make a difference church leaders must view Christ-like communication imperative.

Being Christ-like involves more than outwardly following Jesus’ example. Being Christ-like goes to the core of our being …. our attitudes, motivations, character.

Communicating in these ways was not a forced expression for Jesus based on need but an outgrowth of the goodness, grace, truth, holiness, righteousness, and love that already defined Him and moved Him.

And, Jesus didn’t communicate to impress people but rather to genuinely respond and relate with them in ways that would build them up and draw them closer to the Father.

Jesus made a difference through the way He communicated, which is why it’s imperative for leaders to be Christ-like to the core in the way they communicate.

Since what’s truly inside tends to come out, the Christ-like Communication Guide for Church Leaders provides four reasons this makes it imperative for leaders to follow Jesus’ example to the core of our being.

All Posts about Communication:


3 Replies to “Christ-like Communication Imperative”

  1. I can see that actually communication tell who we are in the inside. Thank for sharing, I am richly bless.

    • Praise the Lord Jesus, for the way different or contrary communication compare to the world way is unique leadership.

      • Yes, Ventje Geroge Rombot, praise the Lord Jesus! He is our Standard (1 Cor. 11:1). Even in those situations where it is hard to know how to respond, when we follow in His steps (1 Pet. 2:20-22), our communication, and the attitudes behind what we say, will be quite different than a worldly response. We will speak truth but filled with love and grace (Jn. 1:14; Eph. 4:15). We will not seek to manipulate, deceive, or control through our words, but rather serve as did Jesus (Mk. 10:42-45). As Christ-like leaders, we will not conform to the pattern of this world (Rom. 12:2).

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