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Christ-like Standard in Assessments


Christ-like Standard in Assessments

If we’re going to do an assessment, we need something against which to measure ourselves. It only makes sense that we use a standard higher and better than ourselves. We have that in Jesus Christ. —

fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith (Heb. 12:2)

Since He’s gone before us and did it all perfectly, what better example do we have? He experienced all the ups and downs along the way and joyfully endured for the greater good yet to come.

The Greek word used for “fixing our eyes” on Jesus includes “apo” meaning ‘from’, suggesting that we turn away from other things and concentrate or focus on Jesus alone. When thinking of doing assessments in the Church, that means we aren’t using a worldly measure for success and not even comparing ourselves to what other churches do. Rather, Christ is our standard. How does what we do measure up against Him?

The Steering the Church Toward Christ-like Character Leadership Guide provides a few more Bible verses supporting the use of Christ as our standard in doing assessments. It also considers the results of using a Christ-like standard.

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