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Even Scheduling Needs God’s Power


Scheduling, especially during a time of turmoil or change, needs to be done wisely and strategically. We must look beyond our own needs and see the needs of others, being concerned with both their physical and spiritual well-being. We must extend grace and rise above the petty and frustrating issues that can come up in scheduling. We need to persevere even if we don’t get the responses or cooperation we were hoping for.

Aligning with God’s purposes, design, mission, and Christ-like character for the Church will help us in our scheduling efforts but staying the course can be difficult, particularly when church life has become anything but normal and we seem to be in a constant state of flux.

Bible Verses About God’s Power We Need to Apply to Scheduling

God's Power at Work in You Even in Scheduling
While you do need to work at doing that which aligns with God’s heart and ways, “it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (Phil. 2:12-13). We always need God’s power to be at work in every area of church life, including scheduling, in every season of church life.

The Steering the Church Toward God’s Power Leadership Guide suggests additional Bible verses to reflect on in light God’s power in scheduling. The resource also looks at 24 other leaders tasks and responsibilities.

All Posts about Scheduling:


2 Replies to “Even Scheduling Needs God’s Power”

  1. “Biblical” refers to anything related to the Bible, which is a collection of sacred texts in Christianity. It is divided into the Old Testament, which contains religious writings from before the birth of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus and the early Christian church.

    The Bible is considered a foundational text for Christianity and is also significant in Judaism, as the Old Testament forms the core of the Hebrew Bible. It contains various forms of literature including history, poetry, prophecy, law, and teachings.

    • Yes, Ted, the whole Bible is foundational to followers of Jesus. The Old Testament points to the coming Messiah and in the New Testament we read of His coming to earth to be the Savior of the world. We find there the difference it makes in our lives when we put our trust in Him. This Practicum is written for those believers who have leadership responsibilities within His Church. As the tagline says, it’s about “Applying Biblical Truth about Church Leadership to Actual Leading”. Being a follower of Jesus is more than following a religious creed. It’s about following a Person with whom we have a relationship because of His mercy and grace. We seek to put biblical truth into practice because we love Him, not out of duty. We rely on Him to work in and through us as we put His Word into practice in all we do.

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