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Leaders’ Spiritual Gifting May Affect Delegating


Leaders' Spiritual Gifting Affects DelegatingGod has provided certain spiritual gifts to the Church that will be more prone to be found in leaders — leadership, administration, and pastor. To know how a leader’s spiritual gifting may affect delegating, we must first understand what distinguishes these gifts from one another. The original Greek words can help:

leadership (Rom. 12:8): proistemi – to stand before, to preside, be over; literally the one who stands upfront

— They are the goal-setters, motivating people toward these goals.

administration (1 Cor. 12:28): kubernesis – to steer, guide; helmsmen in charge of getting the ship to its destination

— They are the goal implementers, planning ways to reach the goals.

pastor (Eph. 4:11): poimen – a shepherd, pastor; one who tends herds or flocks

— They make the care of people their goal, putting people first.

How Leaders’ Spiritual Gifting May Affect Delegating

All leaders may be prone to delegating when it advances the purpose behind their spiritual gifting. Consequently, we’ll see that the reason or motivation behind a leader delegating could differ based on gifting, as well as how they prepare the person for the task being delegated. These same leaders may have a reticence toward delegating for some of the same reasons.

Gain an understanding of how the three gifts mentioned above tend to affect the leader’s motivation toward delegating in the Balance in Church Leadership Based on Spiritual Gifting resource. There you will also be reminded of a truth each of these leaders needs to remember when they’re hesitant to delegate. In addition, this resource looks at 14 other leadership tasks and responsibilities in light of these gifts.

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