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Trying to Attract People to Your Church Through Manipulation?

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Most would agree that we as Christians should be upright, authentic, and filled with integrity. Yet, sometimes we find churches using church growth tactics that are deceitful or manipulative.

Ways Churches Might Use Manipulation to Attract People & Grow:

Bribe people to attend.

You coax them to come by giving them a free meal or free gift.

Meet needs with ulterior motives.

You have programs like a food or clothes bank solely to evangelize, not simply because you have compassion.

Bait and switch.

You do things to make people feel all warm and fuzzy, telling them what they want to hear, until they are in and then you drop the hammer.

Lay a guilt trip on people.

You use their children as tools, telling them that if they really cared about their children, they would take them to church.

Play to people’s fears.

You emphasize hell, fire, and brimstone when in reality, there is more to the Gospel message they need to hear.

Christ-like Character, Not Manipulation
You’ll find the content in this post in the Steering the Church Toward Christ-like Character Leadership Guide which also lists six ways churches can avoid using manipulation in their church growth efforts.

All Posts about Church Growth:


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