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All Spiritual Gifts Needed for Church Growth


Sometimes when thinking about the spiritual gifts needed for church growth, we might be tempted to identify just a few strategic gifts. However, if we really stop to think about it, we’d have to lengthen that list to include all.

Biblical Basis for All Spiritual Gifts Needed for Church Growth

If we only pull on verses like Matthew 28:19-20, the Great Commission, we might limit the spiritual gifts needed for church growth to those which are more of an outreach nature. A broader view of that verse, however, takes discipleship beyond conversion to also include spiritual maturation. And so, we must add shepherding and teaching types of gifts into the mix to ensure not only quantitative but also qualitative growth.

All Spiritual Gifts Needed in Church Growth as Everybody Has a Part

For a verse that would most suggest the role of all spiritual gifts in church growth, look at Ephesians 4:16. — “From him (Christ) the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph. 4:16) While there are ways everybody can do their part in church growth regardless of spiritual gifting, we must acknowledge that this verse was written in the context of spiritual gifting in the church so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that spiritual gifts should factor in on the part each member of the Body has in church growth.

Different Spiritual Gifts Can Assist in Growing the Church

As you look at your church, try to identify people with spiritual gifting to be used in different facets of church growth. It truly does take everybody doing their part for the church to grow both quantitatively through conversions and qualitatively through maturing and becoming healthy … to experience people coming to salvation in Jesus and growing in that relationship.

For help determining how the various spiritual gifts can be used in different facets of church growth, check out the Ministry Handbook: Spiritual Gifts in Use. This resource also looks at other ministry areas, tasks, and responsibilities in light of spiritual gifts most useful to their accomplishment.

For help assessing how your leadership gifts might influence church growth, check out the Balance in Church Leadership Based on Spiritual Gifting resource which also looks at 14 other leader tasks and responsibilities.

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