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Record Keeping That’s Not Mundane


What’s it going to take to get record keeping and reporting out of the mundane and into the spiritually engaging category? Take some time to reflect on the impact of the Holy Spirit on this task.

3 Ways the Holy Spirit Elevates Record Keeping Out of the Mundane

Holy Spirit Makes Record Keeping Not Mundane but Spiritually Engaging

God gave us His Spirit to not only be with us but also in us so that in no matter what we do, we have an ever present help. When we pull on the power of the Holy Spirit, even the mundane becomes elevated. The Holy Spirit takes it to a higher level, purpose, and effect.

  • Record keeping itself becomes ministry when guided by and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit distributes spiritual gifts that are well-suited for the task so serving in accordance with the Spirit’s working takes any task to a higher level. See: 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

  • Record keeping can be used to point others to Christ when under the auspices of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit’s role is to keep the focus on Christ so anything we do that’s yielded to and controlled by the Spirit can be used as a tool with a higher purpose. See: John 15:26; 16:13-14

  • Record keeping can contribute to church growth when used by the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit gives us the power to be His witness so the Church grows and the wisdom for how to get there, which can even include the evaluation and use of records. This, then, provides record keeping with a higher good or effect. See: Acts 1:8; Romans 8:5-9; 1 Corinthians 2:13-14; Colossians 1:9-11

Sure, there may be a tedious, routine aspect to record keeping and reporting. But, the Holy Spirit is anything but dull and boring. When we do menial tasks empowered by and used by the Spirit, they’re taken out of the mundane to a higher level, purpose, and effect which makes them spiritually engaging and impacting.

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