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Building Reflect the Newness of the Resurrection?


First impressions matter. But, is it necessary to have spectacular facilities to attract people? The early New Testament church didn’t have the kind of facilities often used today. Yet, they were “praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47). Their lives communicated life in Christ. So today, the building is simply where we meet. We, His people who have new life because of the Resurrected Lord, are the true Church. But, that doesn’t mean we ignore the place we meet. How much better when a consistency exists in all we do as His Church. Even the building can reflect the newness of the resurrection to a degree.

Ways to Make the Building Reflect the Newness of the Resurrection

Even the Building Can Reflect Newness of the ResurrectionGod raised Jesus from the dead so we can have life — abundant life (Jn. 10:10) here and now, not merely in the future. Do our buildings mimic that life or the grave? A fresh coat of paint and a colorful décor can brighten it up. Removing outdated materials from the walls communicates.

The display of God’s power in resurrecting Jesus wasn’t a flippant act. It cost Jesus His life which entailed much suffering and ridicule. Do our buildings display the vibrancy of life in Him yet the reverence He deserves?

Because “He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (Rom. 4:25), we have His righteousness credited to our account. He removes the clutter from our lives. He makes us new (2 Cor. 5:17). Do our buildings give off that same vibe? Have we removed the clutter, cleaned it up, and removed any stains and stench?

These simple and practical steps can bring a consistency between the environment and our message. We can use everything we have and everything we do as tools to leave an impression that communicates the life we have because of our Resurrected Lord.

Have you read this: God’s Power for the Church – The Resurrection

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